Katie Wilwohl
Title: Full Professor of Biology Company: Bethel University Location: McKenzie, Tennessee, United States Katie Wilwohl, PhD, full professor of biology at Bethel University, has been
Title: Full Professor of Biology Company: Bethel University Location: McKenzie, Tennessee, United States Katie Wilwohl, PhD, full professor of biology at Bethel University, has been
Title: Associate Professor of Biology Company: Norfolk State University Location: Norfolk, Virginia, United States Rajeev Chandra, PhD, associate professor of biology at Norfolk State University,
Title: Associate Professor Company: University of Central Oklahoma Location: Norman, Oklahoma, United States Dr. Rhonda C. Williams, associate professor at the University of Central Oklahoma,
Title: 1) Associate Professor; 2) Adjunct Associate Professor Company: 1) Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine; 2) Rice University Location: Houston, Texas,
Title: Associate Research Professor Company: Montana State University Location: Manhattan, Montana, United States
Dorothy J. Howell, JD, PhD, Adjunct Professor at Quinnipiac University, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Educators for dedication, achievements, and leadership in microbiology and law education.
John Hill, Professor Emeritus at Iowa State University, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Educators for dedication, achievements, and leadership in biology.
Diane Marie Dudzinski, Biology Educator at Washington State Community College, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Educators for dedication, achievements, and leadership in the field of biology.
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