John May

Title: Demographer, Researcher
Company: George Mason University
Location: Bethesda, Maryland, United States

John F. May, PhD, Research Professor at George Mason University, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Educators for dedication, achievements, and leadership in demography.

Backed by more than four decades of professional experience in demography and population statistics, policy and possession, since the start of 2020, Dr. May has served as a research professor at George Mason University and is a senior fellow of the Population Institute. With prior teaching experience at the George Washington University and as a high school teaching in Belgium, Dr. May commenced his career in the 1970s as a United Nations associate expert in demography in Haiti, and went on to serve as a United Nations adviser on demography and population statistics in New Caledonia in 1980. Fully pursuing the field, by 1997, Dr. May began working for the World Bank in various positions including senior and lead population specialists and co-coordinator of their Population and Reproductive Health Thematic Group, all focusing on the Africa region. During his time with the World Bank, Dr. May was the recipient of the Good Practice ICR Quality Award for the Gambia HIV/AIDS Rapid Response Project Implementation Completion Report in 2008 and Chief Economist’s Best Practice Award in 2007, as well as numerous World Bank Spot Awards. Additionally, in 2012, he took home the Global Media Award for Best Book in Population for “World Population Policies: Their Origin, Evolution, and Impact.”

Dr. May holds a BS in modern history from University Saint-Louis from 1973, a MA in demography from the Catholic University of Louvain from 1985, and a PhD in demography from Université René Descartes from 1996, all located in France. Presently, he sits on the editorial committee for Population & Avenir, the board of Association Alfred Sauvy and is on the scientific advisory council for POPDEVINTER in Paris and the Berlin Institute for Population and Development. Dr. May also holds membership with the Population Association of Pakistan, Union for African Population Studies, Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française, Population Reference Bureau, Population Association of America and International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. In five years’ time, he hopes to write a handbook on population policy. Dr. May’s distinguishable career achievements can also be found in the fifth edition of Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and the 24th edition of Who’s Who in the East.

For more information, please visit:

Press Release

Demography and Economic Emergence of Sub-Saharan Africa, a book by John F. May and Jean-Pierre Guengant

World Population Policies

Africa’s Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend

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